Rabeya Akhter
Designation: Librarian and Archive Manager
Job Experience :
1). Working as a Librarian at the Asian University of Bangladesh, from 11/02/2021 to till date.
2) Worked as a Deputy Librarian at the Asian University of Bangladesh, from 01/07/2003 to 10.02.2021 with additional duty in University Digital Archives.
3). Worked as an Assistant Librarian at the Asian University of Bangladesh.
4. Worked as a Library Officer at the Khilgaon Model University College .
Library automation and Digitization
Koha, Dspace in Debian Linux platform
Country and Library visit abroad:
Some university libraries in Brunei and Malaysia
Committee Work:
1. Member Secretary “National Book Reading Competition 2012” Jointly organized by AUB & Asia Foundation
2. Member Secretary “ Essay Competition” 2013
3. Member Secretary “Opening Dept.of Information Science and Library Management of AUB.
4. Member “ Permanent Campus Library Design and Development”
Additional Responsibility:
1. Public Relation 2.Permanent Campus Library design and Development
3. Digital Archive 4.University promotion works
1) Training on “Library management” (Organized by ICDDRB)
2) Training on” Web information retrieval techniques (organized by department of
Information Science and Library Management, Asian University of Bangladesh)
3. On job Training on “DSpace (Digital Archiving Software of MIT)
4. On job Training on “Koha (Library Management Software)
Skills & attributes:
i) Electronic Library Management ii) Library Automation iii) Digital Archiving
iv)Research and Publication v)National and International Library Collaboration
vi)Public Relations skill
1. Faruk, Muhammad Omar, Al-Faruque & Akhter ,Rabeya (2015) Knowledge
Management in the bank and financial Institution: Bangladesh Perspectives, IUP Journal of Knowledge Mnagement,India
2. Faruk, Muhammad Omar & Akhter ,Rabeya (2012) Global Library Movement ,WCOMLIS, Malaysia
3. Akhter ,Rabeya & Faruk,Muhammad Omar (2015) Libraries of developing world:
Challenges of 21 st century, Library Philosophy and Practice, USA
4. . Faruk, Muhammad Omar & Akhter ,Rabeya (2015) Role of medieval Muslim civilizations in Library development, Library Philosophy and Practice, USA
Publication in progress:
1. Library anxiety: A case study
2. Information Seeking Behavior of SME sector
Newspaper Articles:
1. AUB digital archives is milestone for education of Bangladesh (2014) Abnews24.com
1. Presentation on: “Library software package and applications (GLAS Software)”
(Organized by Dept.of Information Science and Library Management
University of Dhaka, March 2008)
2. Presentation on: “Digitization of library and information sector: A Roadmap to
Digital Bangladesh” (Asian university.31 ST March, 2009)
Professional Membership:
1. Life member (Library Association of Bangladesh)
2. Director, Community Service, Rotary Club
3. Library and Research Secretary, Songazi Somitee,Dhaka
4. Executive member, Feni somitee, Uttara
5. Secretary, Knowledge Foundation
6. Executive Director, Feni Society, Uttara
7. Founder, Husnay Ara Bashir Trust
8. Member, Pathagar Anodolon
Library Event Link - Convener: Librarian of AUB (Rabeya Akhter):
# ETV - জাতীয় গ্রন্থাগার দিবসে এশিয়ান ইউনিভার্সিটিতে বই মেলা
# এইউবি'র বিশেষ সম্মাননা পেলেন এটিএন নিউজের সাজেদা সুইটিসহ ১১ জন | ATN News